ماجستير في علم الانسجة والوراثة

جامعة طرابلس - كلية الطب البشري


وصف البرنامج

·        تعريف الطالب بالمعلومات الحديثة في مجال التخصص , و تدريبه على التعامل مع المصادر العلمية المختلفة و استيعاب محتوياتها.

·        تدريب الطالب على استخدام  التقنيات العلمية المختلفة في مجال التخصص.

·        رفع القدرات البحثية للطالب و ذلك بتدريبه على استعمال المهارات العامة و المنقولة ( الكتابة العلمية – تحليل بيانات – حلقات نقاش – كتابة و رقه علمية – اعداد خطة بحث – استخدام التقنيات و البرامج الالكترونية- الخ

أهداف البرنامج

  • القدرة على تحدبد المشاكل العلمية واجراء البحث العلمي في مجال علم الانسجة والوراثة الطبية.
  • القدرة على استخدام التقنيات المختلفة في مجال علم الانسجة والوراثة الطبية.
  • القدرة على إجراء التحاليل الطبية المرتبطة بمجال علم الانسجة والوراثة الطبية.

مخرجات البرنامج

·        القدرة على تحديد المشاكل العلمية و اجراء البحث العلمي.

·        القدرة على استخدام التقنيات المختلقة في مجال التخصص.

·        القدرة على اجراء التحاليل الطبية المرتبطة بمجال التخصص.

·        القدرة على استخدام البرامج الالكترونية الاساسية في مجال التخصص.

·        القدرة على القاء محاضرات علمية و ادارة حلقات النقاش..


المؤهل العلمي الذي يتحصل عليه الطالب

الماجستير في علم الانسجة والوراثة

متطلبات الالتحاق بالبرنامج

  • الحصول على بكالوريوس بتقدير عام جيد فما فوق في احد التخصصات التالية: الطب البشري, الصيدلة, التقنية الطبية, طب الاستان, الطب البيطري وعلم الحيوان.
  • النجاح في امتحان المفاضلة.
  • المعيدون لا يخضعون لامتحان المفاضلة.

الخطة الدراسية

يؤهل برنامج ماجستير في علم الانسجة والوراثة الطالب للحصول على درجة ماجستير في علم الانسجة والوراثة من خلال العديد من المقررات الدراسية التى وضعت بعناية لتغطي الجوانب المختلفة في هذا التخصص.

يمتد البرنامج على مدى 4 فصول دراسية يدرس خلالها الطالب 32 وحدة دراسية منها 0 وحدة عامة، و 12 وحدة الزامية. كما يدرس عدد 6 وحدة إختيارية من قائمة المقررات الاختيارية المقترحة. بالإضافة الى مشروع تخرج في مجال تخصصه

الخطة الدراسية للبرنامج الدارسي موضحة على الفصول الدراسية التالية:

الفصل الاول

الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
HS602 البيولوجيا الخلوية والجزيئية 03 إجباري +

Cell and molecular biology is advanced course that introduces students to the dynamic relationships between cell structure and the biochemical reactions that are necessary for cell growth, differentiation, survival and death with an emphasis on eukaryotic cells. Precisely, it is designed to introduce the concepts and underlying principles of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cellular and molecular biology. It also discusses the relationship of structure and functions of the different components of the cell at the molecular level. The course also provides students a background in contemporary biotechnology techniques currently utilized in biological science laboratories.The format of the course will consist of class lectures, in-class discussion of topics related to the lecture material, and analysis of assigned research articles, with each student preparing a written synopsis/critique of one research paper (or, for a few volunteers, prepare an oral presentation as part of a small team—see description of this later in the syllabus). It is estimated that 2-3 hours will be required outside of class to prepare for each lecture, although some students might need to commit more time, and each research paper will require additional hours of study/preparation.

HS617 Computer skills 03 إجباري +

Introduces the basic features of Microsoft Office, Windows basics, and file management. Develops familiarity with Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, email, and Internet basics. Provides an overview of the MyPCC Portal website. Covers components of the Internet and Computing Core (IC3) program content.

HS614 طرق بحث 03 إختياري +

This course will provide an opportunity for participants to establish or advance their understanding of research through critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. The course introduces the language of research, ethical principles and challenges, and the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. Participants will use these theoretical underpinnings to begin to critically review literature relevant to their field or interests and determine how research findings are useful in forming their understanding of their work, social, local and global environment .

HS601 علم الانسجة متقدم 03 إجباري +

الفصل الثاني

الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
HS605 مناقشة 1 03 إجباري +

HS606 Epigenetics 03 إختياري +

Chromosomes are macromolecular polymers that undergo continuous alterations in structure and organization, which can influence gene expression. These physical variations can be attributed to DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromatin remodelling complexes, and the association of non-coding RNA molecules. Irregular patterns of inheritance that cannot be accounted for by changes in DNA sequence are often caused by epigenetic mechanisms. This course begins with a discussion of the histone code, chromatin associated proteins, the formation and maintenance of heterochromatin, experimental methods, and model organisms. This is followed by discussions of the role of epigenetics in biological phenomena such as imprinting, X-inactivation, cellular identity, cellular reprogramming, tumorigenesis, and the onset of certain types of neurological disorders.

HS611 Biology of Cancer 03 إختياري +

Introduction to Biology of Cancer covers current concepts and knowledge of cancer, including cancer research and cancer treatment; it will educate students on various genetic and molecular changes normal cells undergo during transformation into malignant cancer cells.

HS612 Bioinformatics 03 إختياري +

This course is an introduction to the application of computational methods to biological data analysis and for discovery. The focus will be on computational methods in Genomics and Proteomics. In Genomics, computational methods will include DNA sequencing and fragment assembly, identification of genes in DNA, gene regulation, expression, large data arrays, and methods to study genetic diversity. In Proteomics, computational methods will embrace similarity, homology and analogy, protein folding and protein structure.

HS603 تقنية الانسجة 03 إجباري +

This course is designed to prepare students to function in the highly complex arena of a histotechnology laboratory. It is the job of the histotechnician to prepare sections of human tissue from biopsy or autopsy for microscopic examination by processing and cutting tissues, mounting them on slides, and staining them with special dyes for microscopic examination by a pathologist for the diagnosis of disease.

HS615 Biostatistics 03 إجباري +

Introduction to methods and concepts of statistical analysis and sampling, with special attention to those occurring in biological sciences. Topics include descriptive measures, probability and distributions, estimation, tests of hypotheses, types of error, significance, confidence levels, sample size and power.

الفصل الثالث

الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
HS604 Clinical Genetics 03 إجباري +

This course is designed to provide an overview of clinical human genetic concepts and clinical disorders that have a genetic component. The course seeks to teach the students to apply their knowledge of the principles of clinical genetics to a variety of clinical problems. It surveys many clinical areas including cytogenetics, molecular genetics, biochemical genetics, population genetics and clinical genetics. The course is organized roughly according to genetic etiology and pathophysiology.

HS608 Histogenesis 03 إختياري +

This course provides an over view on cell and tissue methodologies for the proliferation and differentiation of cells, acquiring the appropriate source of cells such as autologous cells, allogeneic cells, xenogeneic cells, stem cells, genetically engineered cells, and immunological manipulation; Biomolecules, including growth/differentiation and morphogenic factors; Biomaterials, including biopolymers that are designed to direct the organization, growth, and differentiation of cells in the process of forming functional tissues; and Engineering design, including in vitro cell and tissue expansion, 3D-tissue growth and bioreactors; organ and tissue modeling.

HS609 Histopathology 03 إختياري +

The classes of this course emphasize pattern recognition of normal tissue and organ structure (histology), correlation of tissue architecture with normal physiologic function, and comparison to microscopic processes and lesions observed in the diseased state (histopathology). Laboratories will focus on recognition of diseased tissue as compared to normal tissue structure, as well as application of appropriate terminology and light microscopic techniques used in histologic and histopathologic analysis. Comparative microscopic analysis across human and animal tissues and across fundamental disease processes (inflammation, necrosis, neoplasia, etc.) will be emphasized.

HS610 Cell culture and Tissue engineering 03 إجباري +

This course provides knowledge of and expertise in animal tissue culture theory and practice. This course has a vocational focus and introduces you to the theory and practice of animal tissue culture with their role and applications in biotechnology and biochemical research. The topics covered in this course include media preparation, sterile techniques, aseptic handling, initiation and routine maintenance of cells in culture, common contaminants of plant and animal cell culture, and understanding of some of the applications of cell culture technology.

HS613 مناقشة 2 01 إجباري +

HS616 Academic teaching skills 03 إختياري +

This course introduce a Teaching Tip Index to student with numerous tips, for example: Preparing a course syllabus, Preparing a lesson plan, Teaching techniques, Course design, Communication, Assessment, Getting organized as a teacher, Motivating students, Feel good about teaching.

الفصل الرابع

الرمز اسم المقرر الوحدات نوع المقرر الاسبقيات
HS607 MSc. Dissertation 06 إجباري +