Bachelor in Class teacher

University of Tripoli - Department of Elementary education



.This program enables and qualifies the graduate student educationally and scientifically

 Providing students with scientific and educational knowledge, training students on research 

Methods and employing them in the service of the educational process. Promoting religious and 

patriotic values among students


1. The program provides students with modern methods in teaching and learning qualifies the graduate student educationally and scientifically.

2. Students equipped with scientific and educational knowledge

3 To acquire an experience in scientific research.

4.  Preserving   Religious and national principles and values.


 All outcomes desired according to the program objectives:

a- Knowledge and Understanding:

1. To familiarize the student with educational principles and theories.

2. To familiarize the student with the principles, methods and strategies of teaching.

3. To familiarize the student with the theories and branches of psychology.

4. To familiarize the student with modern trends in education.

b- Mental Skills 

1. To be able to explain religious principles to the students

2. The ability to explain educational theories.

3   To be able to explain and analyze research principles.

4. The ability to deduce the best methods in the field of teaching.

C- Practical and Professional Skills

1.  The student should prepare a scientific research.

2. The ability to prepare a questionnaire to collect specific data.

3. The student's ability to apply educational theories in teaching.

4. The ability to conduct a final research report

D- General Skills

1. The ability to use Audio-visual devices in teaching.

2. Use the blackboard efficiently in teaching.

3. The ability to prepare exams, preparing questionnaires, writing reports and scientific papers.

4.  The ability to use different types of assessment during teaching.

Certificate Rewarded

Certifications granted at the end of program, licenciate in art & education class teacher department.

Entry Reuirements

1. The applicant must have finished secondary school or its equivalent with a good grade.

2. Admission according to the regulations of the Faculty of Education Janzour and the University of Tripoli.

3. The student must be fit and healthy and able to continue the study.

4. The applicant should pass an entrance exam and a personal interview.

5. The applicant should not have defects in pronunciation.

Study Plan

The Bachelor in Class teacher prepares students to qualify for Bachelor in Class teacher. The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 8 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 126 units, which include 78 units of general subjects, and 48 major units

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CT111 NATURAL GEOGRAPHY 02 Compulsory +

GCZ111 02 General +

The inclusion of this course in the scientific departments of the college, and it is considered a general subject in the departments (English, Physics, Chemistry, Kindergarten, Classroom Teacher, and Sociology). The Arabic language with its various sciences, including grammar, texts, and spelling, so that the student graduates from these departments having possessed the correct writing tools, avoiding common linguistic and spelling errors.This is done by dividing the lessons of the Arabic language 1 into sections as follows: First: grammar lessons, in which the following vocabulary is studied: (speech sections, words and their types, noun, verb and letter, noun signs, verb signs, noun sections in terms of declension, singularity and plural, In terms of definition and indefiniteness, in terms of syntax and construction, the verb sections are the past tense, the present tense and the imperative verb. Muthanna and its types, plural types: the masculine plural of salim, the feminine plural of salim, the plural of taksir. The original signs of inflection, the secondary signs of inflection. Second: Text lessons: where the student is trained to deal with the text in understanding, interpretation and memorizationThe texts are of various types, from a Quranic text, another prophetic text, and a poetic or prose literary text. Third: Dictation lessons, and its vocabulary is (drawing the hamza at the beginning of the word, drawing the hamza in the middle of the word, drawing the hamza at the end of the word. With an alert to common mistakes and how to overcome them..

GC113 02 General +

The English language course (1) for non-specialists is considered a compulsory, non-specialized course. It is required to be studied by all students of departments in the first semester immediately upon enrollment in the college, with the exception of the English language department. In this course, the student studies the most frequently used English vocabulary that the student needs and meets it in his daily life, such as Words related to the family, furniture, adjectives and their opposite, names of countries, nationalities, languages, weather, etc. The student also learns the basic grammatical structures in addition to the most frequently used English verbs with their conjugations in the present, past and future, as well as studying irregular ones.

GC112 Islamic Studies I 02 General +

By Allah, His Angels, His Books, His Messengers, Destiny and the Last Day, in the face of the wave of atheism and how to respond to many of the similarities raised by the enemies of Islam.

ES115 general psychology 02 Elective +

The course aims to introduce the student to the concept of psychology, its development, objectives, branches, schools and research methods in it, the nature of motives and emotions that direct human behavior and mental processes (sensation, attention, perception, remembering and forgetting, intelligence, and learning).

EC116 02 General +

CT110 MATHEMATICS 1 02 Compulsory +

This course presents the study of the basic concepts of groups, the concept of number and punctuation, groups of numbers and the relationship between those groups, the definition of basic operations (addition-subtraction-multiplication-division) that are performed on groups of numbers, the basic properties of a group of real numbers, the study of numbers consisting of several digits and how Reading it and how to perform operations on it, the concept of vector numbers and operations on them, the concept of ordinary fractions and operations on fractions, as well as the concept of decimals and operations on them, as well as studying mathematical problems (verbal) and the stages of the steps of the solution to find their solution, as well as some techniques that help in solving these problems.


The general objective of including this course in the scientific program. Introducing the student teacher to the building unit of the living organism and helping the student to accurately understand each of the organelles of the cell as well as the student’s knowledge of the defect that affects the organs in terms of structure and function and introducing the student to the structure and function of each organ and its relationship to other organs. The student should be able to mentally distinguish between similar segments of some tissues in the human body. Anatomy of a live animal model of a mammal to introduce the student to the various body systems, or to use a model that simulates the living organism in all its details, "can be disassembled and installed." The student should be distinguished by the love of cooperative work among his colleagues, especially in the practical aspect. That the student be able to employ technology to help creativity and provide new examples of using the Internet

CT117 ANCIENT ARAB HISTORY 02 Compulsory +

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CT124 MUSICAL EDUCATION 03 Compulsory +

The Music Education course is one of the most important courses for the class teacher department. It is a subject of specialization. Its importance comes due to the benefit of music for the child. It is one of the most effective teaching methods due to the element of interesting melody. It helps the student to use the audio arts “music” in the field of teaching to provide knowledge. In a fun and friendly way for children, the course aims to introduce students to what music is, to identify the components of melody and its sources, to learn about the principles of the musical language in reading and writing, how to sing the musical scale, down to the relationship of music to education, the definition of musical education and the definition of school chants, and through the applied practical side, a practical program is used by The computer through which the children’s lyrical songs are identified by tasting the music, sometimes through some lyrical models for the child in the basic education stage “first grades”, and at other times, the students reach the stage of searching for lyrical works, i.e. the songs that suit this stage to create the idea of ​​innovation for them and to prepare them for the future at the level What is required is commensurate with dealing with childhood in keeping with scientific development Due to the speed required by the times, the arts - and music in particular - have become a prominent role in learning using other techniques and strategies that keep pace with scientific development on the one hand, and because music is one of the most important methods of teaching simplicity, renewal, ease and suspense in obtaining knowledge, and the curriculum also contains many singing skills And many other definitions and goals that the Music Education course seeks to achieve in order to prepare a class teacher who is able to teach and to use everything that would serve the child to the fullest.

GC123 English language2 02 General GC113 +

The English language course (2) for non-specialists is a compulsory, non-specialized course, and it is a continuation of the course that the student is supposed to study in the first semester. In this course, the student studies the most widely used English vocabulary, such as words related to the family, furniture, adjectives and their opposites, names of countries, nationalities, languages ​​and weather etc. During this course, the student learns somewhat advanced structures in the English language, such as the three-way comparison, the passive voice, and advanced tenses, and learns lists of irregular verbs with their main types, which are the infinitive, present, past, and the three conjugations.

GC122 02 General GC112 +

GC121 02 General GC111 +

CT120 MATHEMATICS 2 02 Compulsory CT110 +

This course presents the study of the basic concepts of plane geometry: the definition of the mathematical concept, knowledge of some elementary engineering concepts, the definition of flat shapes and polygons, as well as the study of the basic concepts of quadrilateral shapes and their relationship to each other, the basic concepts of triangles, the basic concepts of a circle, and the study of the area of flat shapes.

CT121 HUMAN GEOGRAPHY 02 Compulsory CT111 +

CT237 ARTISTIC EDUCATION 1 03 Compulsory +

The course aims to introduce students to the nature of art education and the extent of its educational, psychological and artistic importance to the child, what is the artistic expression of the child and its relationship to the manifestations of the psychological, sensory, cognitive, mental and social development of the child. different age.The curriculum contains many diverse definitions of art education from various aspects and explains its importance and objectives for the child. It also reviews the most important artistic characteristics of the child and the stages of artistic expression, and the factors affecting children’s drawings in terms of obstacles to the child’s artistic expression as well as the factors that help develop his creativity.

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CT247 ARTISTIC EDUCATION 2 03 Compulsory CT237 +

EC236 02 General EC116 +

The general objective of including this course in the scientific program is to familiarize the student with the basic skills in teaching and to provide the student with positive attitudes towards the teaching profession and to introduce the student to the educational goals, their levels and classification, and to distinguish the student between general and specific goals and to introduce the student to the characteristics, characteristics, duties and roles of the multiple and varied successful teacher in teaching as well as to introduce the student It focuses on the nature of teaching and the traditional and modern view of teaching. The course also contributes to providing the student with the ability to plan some of the lessons prescribed for primary school students.

EC235 02 General +

The course is presented to the student through lectures, and reliance on the educational assignment, which depends on collecting the theoretical concepts of the lesson and the possibility of applying them in the school, in addition to the educational dialogue that depends on the exchange of ideas, in addition to the use of learning


CT234 02 Compulsory +

1- Introducing students to the facts about culture and its necessity and its various means, especially in our time. 2- Identifying the means of educating the child in building his personality in an integrated manner. 3- Identifying social institutions and their role in educating the child. 4- Identifying the role of means of communication in raising and educating the child.


Guidance and psychological counseling is one of the basic subjects that the student is subject to study in the course of his study in the college. The necessary information for the counseling process and the means of collecting information such as interviews, observations, case studies and tests. And defining and guiding the need to use the urgent need for guidance and psychological counseling as a result of scientific and technological progress and the resulting disturbances and incompatibility and adaptation with the general environment..because of not keeping pace with the increase of new inventions and the policy of mechanization and automatic control in the field of science, work and production, which causes a rise in cases of cases and diseases Psychological..this is under an important chapter, which is the need for psychological guidance and counseling, and it is considered one of the most important achievements of the general objective of the course. Among its contents are also the characteristics and methods of psychological counseling. It also includes areas that require a comparison study between it and psychotherapy, and the difference between them is in degree and not in type. Among the contents of the course is the chapter on the nature and needs of childhood that the primary school child needs to satisfy, and those needs that are related to the general health of the child..This is given that the students of the class teacher department are taught according to the department’s plan to prepare the teacher of the first three grades of the series of basic education episodes

GC231 02 General GC121 +

GC234 02 General +

It is a scientific, mathematical and statistical subject given in the second semester. It is represented in organizing statistical data and methods of presenting them in tables and graphics, then summarizing them numerically by calculating measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, denominations, percentiles, skewness and kurtosis coefficient, and studying the relationship between the two variables through correlation and regression.

GC235 02 General +

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
GC245 02 General GC235 +

GC241 02 General GC231 +

EC246 Bases of Curricula 02 Elective +

The course is presented to the students of the College of Education in all their specializations. The course is concerned with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the curriculum and the importance of studying it. It also recognizes the concepts related to the school curriculum, its foundations, pillars, elements and types, and to understand the great burden that falls on it as a future teacher in the process of implementing the curriculum. To provide opportunities for fruitful thinking and learning.


A theoretical course that aims to teach the chapters of Islamic jurisprudence and what is meant by it in terms of the concept of worship and its objectives, in which the student studies the book of prayer and its related sections, such as the definition of prayer, the wisdom of its legitimacy and its time, the ruling on abandoning it, its pillars and its Sunnahs, and all that the student needs to know in order to perform worship correctly, as well as maintaining and perpetuating it, and in order to All this contributes to the student's understanding of Islamic jurisprudence, a correct understanding that is far from extremism and extremism


The course aims at acquiring the student basic concepts related to the nature and development of mathematics, and the positive attitudes towards the profession of teaching mathematics. It compares the content of mathematics in the basic education stage in Libya with the relevant international standards, and defines the objectives of teaching mathematics in the first stage of basic education. Analyzes the content of mathematics books in the first grades of basic education. Develops a comprehensive lesson plan for a specific subject of the mathematics course in one of the first basic education grades, and develops the student's skills in self-learning, problem-solving, and identification of the strategies and methods of teaching mathematics.


The child’s behavioral problems course is one of the important courses that is considered one of the child’s psychological foundations, which is concerned with studying the child’s behavior in the stages of his life. different childhood, and work to provide the student with the ability to predict the problems and behaviors emanating from the child and find solutions to them based on the knowledge of the known methods of behavior modification, and to deepen understanding of the family environment and the role of kindergartens through the practical study of family relations, psychological trends, socialization and values for each stage of childhood. The course also contributes to providing the student with the ability to study the behavior of the child within different groups and their relationship with each other, and to provide solutions to the problems raised, whether for the child or the family, through the application of concepts and topics of behavioral problems that he studied.


The course aims to understand the student what is meant by the natural sciences in general and its relationship to other sciences in particular, and to develop in the student the ability to interpret natural phenomena and the extent of their impact on human life in particular and the universe in general in general.And for the student to train on a formulation that explains the meaning of the relationship of living organisms to each other and their relationship to humans



The environmental psychology course is one of the important courses that enable the learner to understand the nature of the mutual relations between man and his built natural environment, the components and effects of these relationships, and to know the consequences of the imbalance of these relationships in terms of the results on human health, safety and general compatibility. The course also contributes to helping the learner to Learn scientific thinking skills, and know the role of technology in human development in the natural environment

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EC364 Research Methodology 02 General EC354 +

CT359 PSYCHOLOGY OF LEARNING 02 Compulsory EC235 +

One of its general objectives is to provide the student with information and knowledge that talk about learning theories that explain behavior and how we can benefit from it educationally.It seeks to lay valuable foundations that help the student and achieve ways to improve school learning, as well as realize the concept of motivation and cooperative education in equal groups for the course of the learning process.It is useful to the student, which is how to benefit from learning theories in their educational applications and activate them in the future within the classroom, as well as how to deal with individual differences for students in the stages of basic education and their impact on the learning process.

EC356 02 General +

CT352 EGOLOGY 02 Compulsory +

The study of "Fundamentals of Modern Ecology" allows the student to identify many topics related to the specialization of the environment and its management of issues, as it includes a group of lecturesThe student gets acquainted with the science of ecology: its concept, what he studies, its importance at the present time and its relationship to other sciences. He will know the reason for caring about the environment and the necessity of preserving it, and he will know well the meaning, concept, components, and divisions of the environment. And learn about the environment of groups, what is meant by it, its concept, and the role of life indicators, such as births, deaths and migration,.The student will learn about the biosphere, the "life environment", its living and non-living components, bio-geochemical cycles, natural, permanent, renewable and non-renewable environmental resources, environmental factors and laws, man and the environment, and the sustainability of natural resources. The student will learn about the ecosystem, the biological composition of natural ecosystems and how to study natural ecosystems. He will also learn about environmental succession, its importance, and its evolution. And on the environmental factors, and their living and non-living divisions, including: heat, light, water, soil and its components, in addition to the determining factors, the natural balance, the laws of the environment, the balance of the ecosystem and its imbalance and the Islamic view of the environment and after all this, our students will learn about the most prominent current environmental problems and their damage Such as environmental pollution and negative phenomena such as global warming, desertification, acid rain and the ozone hole, the economic costs of pollution, appropriate solutions to environmental problems and how to reduce them, the relationship between development and the environment, the importance of caring for the environment and the need to preserve and protect it.

CT355 Kindergarten management 02 Compulsory +

Providing scientific research and its importance Introduce students to the types of scientific research methods Training the student to prepare the research and discuss it with his colleagues The student's knowledge of an appropriate type of knowledge, information and attitudes related to the course of a panel discussion


CT357 ISLAMIC HISTORY OF ARABS 02 Compulsory CT117 +


GC354 Measurement and evaluation 02 General GC234 +

The course aims to provide the student with the most important basic concepts in the field of measurement and evaluation and to define their role in the educational process, as well as addressing the definition of educational measurement and evaluation and identifying its characteristics, importance, objectives, tools, fields, levels and types, all the way to achievement tests and their types, types and methods of preparation and verification of their validity and reliability. Preparing and developing its standards in the light of analyzing its results.

6th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
ES355 Developmental Psychology 02 Elective +

Provide scientific research and its importance 1. The student should become acquainted with the subject of growth-induced obscurantism (advancement) 2. The student should be able to understand the importance of studying developmental psychology 3. The student should gain experience in research methods in developmental psychology 4. The student should become acquainted with the principles and laws of growth Influencing factors in developmental psychology


Course / Psychology of Social Relationships This course aims to provide students with information and knowledge, what is the psychology of the child, some of the problems facing the psychology of social relations of the child through the different stages of his development, and some behavioral problems that may hinder his social compatibility and proper communication with society.This course achieves the definition of the student of the importance of the child and his social relations and their role in proper education and the sources of social relations, starting with the family as a nucleus of society and the educational methods used and appropriate to the environment of the child.It accrues to the student with a number of benefits, including how to deal with the child in the stages of his development, given that each stage has physiological and psychological requirements and changes, as well as individual differences that differ from one child to another and problems that may affect the child through these stages and hinder his psychological and social compatibility.

CT369 SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY 02 Compulsory +

The social psychology course is one of the important courses that is considered one of the branches of general psychology, which is concerned with studying the behavior of individuals in their social and cultural attitudes. Based on knowing the relationships between them, and deepening understanding of the social and cultural environment through the practical study of family relationships, psychological trends, socialization and values. The course also contributes to providing the student with the ability to study individuals within different groups and their relationship with each other, and to provide solutions to the problems raised, whether for the individual or for individuals within the educational institution, through the application of the concepts and topics of social psychology that he studied.

CT366 02 General MA365 +

CT365 SCHOOL HEALTH 02 Compulsory +

The general objective of including this course in the scientific program is to familiarize the student with public health and private health, as well as diseases that the child may be exposed to in the early school stages. And provide the student with good health behavior and habits, as well as introducing students to the relationship of the individual and society to school health, and that the student knows healthy food and its importance to humans. Training students on personal cleanliness, such as washing hands and face in the early stages of education. Also Practical exercises for students to enable them to deal with the school pharmacy in case of first aid

CT363 CHILD PSYCHOLOGY 02 Compulsory EC115 +

The Childhood Psychology course is one of the important courses that is considered one of the branches of general psychology, which is concerned with studying the child’s behavior in the stages of his life. It helps the student to understand all the different stages of childhood and the educational, psychological, social, physical, emotional and other requirements that affect In the child, and work to provide the student with the ability to predict the behaviors and phenomena emanating from the child and find solutions to them based on knowledge of the relationships between them, and deepen understanding of the family environment and the role of kindergartens through the practical study of family relationships, psychological trends, socialization and values for each age stage From the stages of childhood. The course also contributes to providing the student with the ability to study the child within the different groups and their relationship with each other, and to provide solutions to the problems raised, whether for the child or for the family, through the application of the concepts and topics of childhood psychology that he studied.



The learner acquires positive attitudes towards the teaching profession, as well as developing the ability to think scientifically and employing it in solving problems facing the individual in society.Also, the learner will be able to use the different teaching methods in history, geography and society, and choose the appropriate ones for each situation and prepare them to use them when they become teachers, and he will be able to plan the lesson in social subjects.

CT264 02 Compulsory +

The Psychology of Play course is one of the most important educational subjects. It aims to clarify the importance of play in a child’s life from the mental, educational, linguistic, physical, cognitive and moral aspects. Through the student’s study of this course, he is able to determine the characteristics of games and their impact on integrated development and its relationship to innovation and creativity. Creativity and excellence and to employ some theories that explain play in the cognitive, emotional, social, psychological, recreational and therapeutic development of the child.

7th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
EC475 02 General EC355 +

CT479 02 Compulsory +

Location scheduled to:Provide students with the concept of learning.Knowledge of learning disabilities.Known criteria and methods.Identifying types of learning difficulties.Causes of learning difficulties.Distinguish between developmental learning difficulties and academic difficulties.Explain the characteristics of a child with learning difficulties.Treatment of learning difficulties.Medical treatment PsychotherapyBehavioral therapy - integrative therapy

CT475 02 Compulsory +

The student knows the concept of communication skills and its importance The student describes the procedural development of verbal communication skills in children and the forms of verbal communication skills The student compares verbal communication with non-verbal communication

CT474 physical education 03 Compulsory +

The course contains the concept of the social, psychological, health and emotional goals of physical education. In addition to the aspects that the educator takes into consideration when applying appropriate small games, as well as explain individual differences in playing games, and to recognize the basic movements in exercises


The individual differences course is one of the important courses, which is concerned with the study of individual differences, their types, characteristics, and the factors influencing them. It helps the student in understanding intelligence, its levels, characteristics, and methods of measurement. The course also contributes to developing awareness of the existence of differences in intelligence and other abilities.

CT471 SEMINAR 03 Compulsory EC364 +

The course aims to introduce the student to the methods and methods of scientific research, and for the student to define the steps of scientific research, how to define the problem, formulate questions, set goals and importance, and employ previous studies in interpreting the results and making recommendations and proposals, and that the student be able to write scientific research in a sound manner. In writing the research, it explains the types of descriptive, experimental, correlational, library and survey research...etc. and the difference between them

8th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CT486 Teaching Practice 04 Compulsory +

Teaching Practice is a basic mainstay for teachers preparing pillars, training them .It is one of the compulsory curricula that contributes in training both students & teachers paving the way to practice the teaching occupation, giving information, skills, values, and essential directions for the students in their performance as a future teacher and that contains a number of activities that are conducted inside the college and some outside the college (in a corporated school).The student engages in a real class atmosphere to play role as a trained teacher who implements a group of activities by a corporated supervision between the college & the education authority.