Master in Horticulture

University of Tripoli - Department of Gardening



The accreditation of the master's degree in the department of horticulture was in 1976. The students should pass advanced courses of at least 36 credits; including general, supportive, elective, and specialized courses. Furthermore, the student is required to accomplish a research project using scientific methods.

Once a student passes the required courses, he/she would be able to gain the necessary agricultural scientific requirements and their application in the field of horticulture, use technical and supervisory capabilities in developing plans and establishing strategic projects in the field of specialization to cover community needs and Contribute to developing, improving, and developing agricultural development and food security programs.


By passing all the courses, the student will be able to) :


1. Acquisition of the necessary agricultural scientific requirements and their application in the field of horticulture.

2. The use of technical and supervisory capabilities in developing plans and establishing strategic projects in the field of specialization to cover community needs.

3. Carry out scientific research and studies efficiently commensurate with modern scientific developments.

4. Recruitment of specialized competencies at the scientific and applied levels related to the field of specialization.

5. Contribute to developing, improving, and developing agricultural development and food security programs.


Knowledge & understand

·         Recognizes scientific foundations on which horticulture is built and its association with other sciences.

·         Discusses the methods of establishing various horticultural projects and farms

·         Illustrates all possible research areas in the horticultural field

·         Distinguishes between technologies and laboratory devices and their areas of practice

·         Determines the best means to develop and improve different horticultural crops and proliferate their productive efficiency.

Mental skills

·         Elicit scientific differences between different horticultural species and how to distinguish between them.

·         Associates the scientific side with the applied side to achieve high efficiency for various horticultural projects.

·         Deliberates methods of conducting scientific research and their advantages conferring to experimental assumption.

·         Analyzes technical and practical differences that determine appropriate uses for laboratory devices.

·         Proposes the most appropriate ways and means that lead to the development and improvement of dealing with horticultural production

Practical & professional skills

·         Applies the foundations of horticulture and connects them to other related applied sciences.

·         Designs horticultural farms based on the quality and nature of the targeted horticultural crop.

·         Uses scientific methods in writing scientific research papers according to scientific conditions.

·         Employs multiple laboratory and field techniques in conducting various analyzes and measurements

·         Submits some suggestions, plans, and solutions to improve and develop the means of dealing with horticultural product

Generic and transferable skills

· c communicate with others within meaningful discussions and dialogues

·         Supervises laboratories and uses various laboratory devices, techniques, and tools

·         works within the research groups with high efficiency that displays his ability to accomplish the required scientific tasks

·         Formulates reports, scientific articles, and scientific conclusions and presents them according to the various computer uses

·         Adheres to time limits which is required to be accomplished within the framework of his specialization

Certificate Rewarded

Master's degree in agricultural sciences specialist in horticulture

Entry Reuirements

For admission to the Master`s degree at the Faculty of Agriculture, the following is required:

1. The applicant must have a bachelor's degree in agricultural sciences or equivalent certificates recognized by the competent authority for certificate equivalency.

2. The applicant should not have been previously dismissed from a postgraduate program in any other educational institution.

3. The applicant must pass the admission  exam prepared by the scientific department .

4. The applicant must be a habitual resident of Libya when accepted to study at the faculty.

5. Priority for admission is given to teaching assistants who are candidates for postgraduate studies from universities and higher education institutions in Libya without burdening them with an entrance exam and comparison.

6. Candidates from public entities are subject to admission and preference exams, with the exception of candidates under provisions including scientific cooperation agreements approved and in force at the university and in a manner that does not contradict the provisions of the articles of this regulation.

7 . Foreign students who receive scholarships are accepted in accordance with the terms of the agreements concluded between the State of Libya and other countries and regional and international organizations affiliated to it.

8. Submitting evidence of the employer's approval - with regard to workers - to devote themselves to study, partially or completely.

9. Students holding higher diplomas may be admitted to the corresponding departments, provided that they take complementary courses as a condition determined by the scientific department according to the controls set forth in this bylaw.

10. The required documents, original and approved by the competent authorities, shall be submitted to the Office of Postgraduate Studies and Training at the Faculty to conduct the admission  exam in accordance with the dates set by the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Training at the University.

Study Plan

The Master in Horticulture prepares students to qualify for Master in Horticulture . The student studies several subjects which have been carefully chosen in this major to cover its different aspects.

It comprises 6 Semesters of study, in which the student will study a total of 36 units, which include 20 units of general subjects, and 10 major units, 6 of elective units. In addition to a final project in the student's major.

Study plan for this program is shown below:

1st Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
CS 4154 Plant biochemistry 04 Compulsory +

ِAP 4003 Field Plot Technique 03 General +

Introduction (principles and some statistical concepts) - t-test and chi-square test - analysis of variance (assumptions and conditions of analysis of variance - data transformation) - statistical designs in one-factor and factorial experiments (completely randomized design (CRD) - The randomized complete block design (RCBD) - Latin square design) - Isolation of Means Tests (Comparison of Coefficient Means) - Split-plot and split-split-plot design - Forked or cascade design.

HO4603 Fruit trees physiology 03 University requirement +

An essential course for fruit specialization in the department, which deals with physiological processes and changes such as water relations, water absorption and its relationship to osmotic potential and water potential, metabolic processes: photosynthesis, respiration, plant nutrition (fertilization) and its relationship to physiological activity, the role of growth regulators and hormones in growth, development, and differentiation Photo physiology: the relationship of light and heat to flowering and the role of plant hormones in light responses such as flowering, the ties of phytochrome to flowering and the vital rhythm of plants, internal growth factors, plant hormones and their relationship to environmental influences, dormancy physiology and the relationship of environmental changes to the phenomenon of dormancy of buds and seeds in fruit trees, and finally the units of coldness And break the inactivity in the fruit trees.

HO4403 Physiology of vegetable crops 03 University requirement +

Advanced course for students in the vegetable study category. The main items in this course are: Seed Germination and Quality, Physiological Aspects, Seed Quality, Growth in containers, Factors regulating growth in containers, Transplant age, Control of transplant size, Storage and transport of transplants, Field conditions, Flowering: The induction of Flowering, The timing of flowering and climatic adaption, The Eco geographic of photothermal, Rates of progress towards flowering response, Temperature response, Photoperiod response, Verbalization in annual and biennial crops, Environmental influences on development, growth and yield, The environment – man- plant system, plant reaction to environmental factors, Plant development, plant growth, growth function and growth rates, Growth models, Control of growth and development, physiological studies of most important vegetable crops, includes: Tomato, Pepper, Potato, Cucurbits cucumber, Melon, pumpkin, Lettuce, Onion, Garlic, Beet, and carrot turnip

HO4213 Turf grasses 03 University requirement +

An advanced, specialized and compulsory course for master’s students concerned with the study of ornamental specialization. It contains a number of vocabularies: definition of green spaces and their types, lots of green spaces, how to create a green landscape, engineering and management of landscape irrigation systems, the most important diseases of landscapes, fertilizing, cutting and caring for them, and getting rid of exotic weeds, as well as It deals with the study of garden surfaces, stadiums, airports, ventilation of surfaces, and finally artificial surfaces.

2nd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HO4613 Advanced evergreen fruit production 03 University requirement +

An advanced, specialized and compulsory course for master’s students interested in studying fruits. It contains a number of subjects related to citrus fruits, olives and palms: choosing the location of their fields, appropriate irrigation methods for them, the role of fertilizers and fertilization methods, pruning and breeding, stages of growth, flowering and factors affecting each crop, and finally stages Fruit growth in citrus, palm, olive and methods of harvesting.

HO4803 Advanced horticulture crops breeding 03 General +

A general advanced course for all master's students in the department. It deals with everything related to the breeding of horticultural plants from the genetic point of view. In this course, the student studies: an introduction to the science of plant breeding and a brief history of the development of the science, types of pollination in plants and methods of reproduction, germplasm, the genetic basis of plant populations and the inheritance of quantitative traits, direct selection (genetic improvement / breeding methods), hybrids (methods of production of strains / vigor Hybrid), indoor breeding, hybrid varieties and synthetic varieties, methods of breeding by crossing and selection, mutations and multiplication, rules related to plant breeding and methods of pollination.

HO4823 Advanced of horticultural plants propagation 03 University requirement +

A general advanced course for all master's students in the department. It begins with an overview of propagation facilities and environments, their characteristics, and their impact on seedling quality. In general, the course is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the study of propagation by seeds, dormancy: its types and methods of overcoming it, the phenomenon of epiphytes, seed germination, and influencing factors. - Measurements of germination. As for the second part, the student studies: propagation by cuttings and everything related to it. The third part includes propagation by grafting and its techniques.

SW4203 Advanced Soil Fertility and Fertilization 04 Elective +

Advanced Soil fertility and fertilization course aims to explain the main relationships between soil and plants and their impact on soil fertility standards, and to link the physical and chemical properties of soil to obtain a fertilizer recommendation. Methods of evaluation soil fertility through the use of equations and mathematical models (Modeling) will also be discussed during this course. In this course, the student will distinguish between different types of fertilizers and methods of application them to the soil, and understanding the methods of manufacturing and mixing chemical and organic fertilizers. In addition, the nutrient management through the use of the 4Rs Nutrient Management Program will be covered

3rd Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HO4413 Advanced vegetable seed production 03 University requirement +

An advanced, specialized and compulsory course for master’s students interested in studying vegetables. It contains a number of subjects: the basics of seed production and knowledge of some terms used in seed production, agricultural processes for seed production, seed harvesting, extraction and circulation, methods of selecting and approving seeds, and finally: methods of producing seeds of some crops Vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, lettuce, eggplant, cucumbers, onions, carrots.

HO4593 Advanced deciduous fruits production 03 University requirement +

An advanced, specialized and compulsory course for master's students interested in studying fruits. It contains a number of topics related to physiological processes within fruit trees: water relations, water absorption and its relationship to osmotic potential and water potential, metabolic processes: photosynthesis, respiration, plant nutrition (fertilization) and its relationship to physiological activity. The role of growth regulators and hormones in growth, development and differentiation, photophysiology: the relationship of light and temperature to flowering, the role of plant hormones in light responses such as flowering, the relationship of phytochrome to flowering, the vital rhythm of plants and internal growth factors

HO4834 Advanced plant tissue culture 04 University requirement +

A general advanced course for all master's students in the department, starting with a general introduction to tissue culture techniques and their historical development and related terminology with a review of problems, advantages and applications, establishing and planning laboratories, nutrient media, their components, types, preparation and sterilization - the effect of nutrient medium components on reproduction and growth of explants, reproductive systems in farms Histology - organ formation, somatic embryo formation and its pathways, physiological and biological changes associated with the formation of somatic embryos, culture of zygotic embryos - protoplast culture and cellular hybridization, callus cultivation and production of secondary compounds, Bioreactors and their use in micropropagation, preservation of genetic assets - phylogenetic variation - reproductive systems used in genetic engineering - a study of scientific papers covering these topics. It concludes with various topics: flowering in tissue cultures - the quality of tissue plants - integration

HO4203 Advanced ornamental plants 03 University requirement +

An advanced, specialized and compulsory course for master’s students concerned with the study of ornamental specialization. It contains a number of subjects: an overview of the development of commercial production of ornamental plants, greenhouses and their relationship to plant growth, various factors and their impact on plant growth, a study of a number of factors, namely: soil, fertilization, reproduction, diseases and pests that Infect ornamental plants. The course also deals with the study of: cut flower plants, flowering pot plants, and leafy plants, and the course concludes with a study of marketing ornamental plants and a study of costs.

4th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HO4794 Plant growth regulators in agriculture 04 Compulsory +

A general advanced course for all master's students in the department. It deals with everything related to plant hormones: an introduction to the natural ones, growth-stimulating hormones (auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins), hormones that control the end stages of growth (ethylene and abscisic acid), the molecular structure of plant hormones and How to biologically manufacture hormonal substances, industrial types (artificial growth regulators) and their composition, the physiological effects of hormonal substances from germination to aging, the role of growth regulators and hormones in differentiation, the role of plant hormones in light responses such as flowering, the relationship of phytochrome to flowering and the vital rhythm of plants, the mechanism of control of plant hormones on the activity of gene expression and vice versa, the relationship of plant hormones to genetic activity and response to environmental and cellular signals, and finally the commercial uses of growth regulators in the agricultural field.

HO4983 Research methods 03 General +

A general advanced course for all master's students in the department, and it is considered the key for the student to write the thesis. This course contains a number of subjects: an introduction to the concepts of scientific research, research problem, specifications, and formulation of research problems. Research: determining its importance, objectives, writing, and determinants. Scientific research: hypotheses, questions, features, and scientific researcher specifications. Reviewing intellectual production and scientific research literature, designing research experiments, research tools, questionnaires, and their types, and interviews as a means of collecting research data, the research community, and study sample, using statistical analysis programs, organizing research (scientific writing....etc) and practical models for sound and unauthorized writings. Sound, methods of entering figures, tables, and images, designing the EndNote reference library, and finally using data presentation programs.

CR.SC. 4123 03 Elective +

5th Semester

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
HO4813 Advanced postharvest physiology 03 General +

A general advanced course for all master's students in the department. It deals briefly with dealing with horticultural crops after their maturity. It is considered a complementary course to the university course under the same name. This course contains a number of vocabulary: the ripening of horticultural crops and the deterioration of horticultural crops after harvest, the changes that occur during the growth and ripening of fruits, respiration and its role in the post-harvest stage, ethylene and its cycle in the post-harvest stage, preparation of fruits for circulation and storage, transpiration and its effects on Fruits after collection, methods of handling, packing and refrigerated transportation of horticultural products, methods of presentation and marketing and their impact on the physiology of horticultural crops, initial cooling, storage of horticultural crops and the physiological and pathological diseases of horticultural crops after collection.

HO4971 Seminar 1 01 Compulsory +

A general advanced course for all master's students in the department, and it is considered a training for the student to write the thesis. It includes studying how to display data, types of research papers and details of their scientific writing, the use of scientific programs in writing and presenting data, methods and requirements for scientific publishing and types of scientific journals, scientific citation - its conditions and limitations, and the course concludes with many scientific applications so that the student can better acquire skills and knowledge.

Elective Subjects

Code Title Credits Course Type Prerequisite
PLP4084 Diagnosis of Plant Disease 04 Elective +

Introduction to the diagnosis of phythopathogenic fungi, Taxonomy and morphological character , Modern interests in establishing a Laboratory for the diagnosis of plant diseases, Methods of dealing diagnosis of obligate fungi, Methods used in field diagnosis, helping factors to diagnosis diseases, morphological characters associated to some diseases.Introduction to nemathology, economic importance of plant pathogenic nemathodes, parasitism methods, symptoms bellow and above the soil surface, compare the symptoms caused by nemathods and other pathogen.Modern classification of bacteria, modern methods for bacterial disease diagnosis, integrated control of bacterial disease, methods of preparing media and isolating and identifying bacteria.Physical diagnostic methods, serologicaldiagnostic methods, electron microscopic examination methods, photographic methods used.

PLP4024 Seed Pathology 04 Elective +

Studying seed pathology, its history and development, methods of isolation and identification of different pathogens transmitted on or inside seeds, methods of transmission of seed pathogens, classification of seed-borne pathogens and their diseases, relationships between different organisms transmitted seed diseases, mechanism of transmission of pathogens from different seed parts of a plant , farm management and food security, effect of various environmental factors on occurrence of epidemics of seed-borne pathogens, pathological problems of seed storage, early prediction of seed diseases, methods of controlling seed diseases,.